Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Key Takeaways:

  • Inpatient rehab provides round-the-clock intensive treatment and supervision in a residential facility.
  • Benefits include medical support, counseling, life skills development, and a distraction-free environment.
  • Typical treatment components include detox, individual therapy, group counseling, family therapy, dual diagnosis treatment, relapse prevention, etc.
  • Length of stay is customized to each patient but usually 30-90 days.
  • Outpatient programs provide effective treatment for those needing less structure.

What is Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab, also known as residential treatment, takes place in a facility where patients live full-time while participating in structured programming and therapies. This intensive level of care is designed to fully immerse patients in the recovery process.

Inpatient facilities remove all distractions and triggers from an individual’s environment, allowing them to focus completely on overcoming substance abuse issues. Patients benefit from 24/7 medical and emotional support.

Benefits of Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient rehab provides the highest level of care for individuals with moderate to severe addictions. Benefits include:

  • Constant medical supervision and support
  • A structured daily schedule
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Family therapy and education
  • Life skills development
  • Medication management
  • Treatment for co-occurring disorders

The inpatient environment facilitates healing of the mind, body, and spirit. Patients can process traumatic experiences, develop coping skills, and build a strong foundation for an addiction-free life.

Typical Inpatient Program Components

Comprehensive inpatient programs incorporate evidence-based therapies tailored to each individual’s needs. Treatment usually includes:

Medically-Supervised Detox

The first step at any accredited rehab is detox under 24-hour medical supervision. Medications are used to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Individual Counseling

One-on-one therapy identifies core issues and establishes customized treatment goals. Sessions employ cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and other techniques.

Group Counseling

Group sessions build trust and communication skills. Patients bond over shared experiences and gain new perspectives.

Family Therapy

Addiction impacts the whole family. Counseling rebuilds relationships, improves communication, and trains families to support recovery.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Many addiction patients also have co-occurring mental health disorders. Quality programs treat substance abuse and conditions like depression and anxiety simultaneously.

Relapse Prevention

Patients learn to recognize personal triggers, develop coping skills, and implement a strong plan to maintain sobriety post-treatment.

Holistic Therapies

Yoga, meditation, art therapy, and other complementary treatments address patients’ mental and spiritual health.

Determining Treatment Length

Most patients complete inpatient treatment within 30-90 days, but there is no set timeline. Length of stay depends on:

  • Type and severity of addiction
  • Presence of co-occurring disorders
  • Level of family support
  • Treatment history
  • Progress demonstrated

The treatment team works with each patient to determine the optimal length of stay. Discharge planning starts at admission.

Outpatient Treatment Options

While inpatient treatment is the most intensive option, outpatient programs provide effective treatment for those needing less structure. Outpatient levels of care include:

  • Partial Hospitalization (PHP): Patients receive intensive group and individual therapy 5-7 days a week while living off-site.
  • Intensive Outpatient (IOP): This consists of 9-12 hours of group therapy per week. It’s ideal for stepping down from inpatient or PHP.
  • Traditional Outpatient: Patients attend 1-2 therapy sessions per week to supplement regular activities.
  • Outpatient treatment works best for those with strong sober support who don’t require round-the-clock care.

Getting Help for Yourself or a Loved One

Seeking help for addiction is the first step toward lasting sobriety. Inpatient rehab provides comprehensive treatment and a supportive environment to overcome substance abuse. Contact a treatment provider today to learn about available inpatient and outpatient programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay for inpatient treatment?

  • Many health insurance plans cover addiction treatment. Rehab facilities work with insurance providers to maximize benefits.
  • Government programs like Medicaid or state-funded options may provide coverage.
  • Facilities offer flexible payment plans or connect patients with financing resources.

What is a typical daily schedule in rehab?

  • Schedules are highly structured with counseling, group meetings, meals, fitness, etc.
  • Mornings often focus on goal-setting. Afternoons include therapy and classes. Evenings shift toward reflection and recreation.

Can I bring personal belongings?

Most items that may be misused or trigger cravings are prohibited. Approved items vary but generally include casual clothes and toiletries.

Can I receive visits from family?

  • Many facilities allow visitation after patients adjust to the program. Visits are structured and monitored.
  • Family members actively participate in education and therapy sessions.

What happens after inpatient treatment?

  • Discharge planning, including aftercare recommendations, begins at admission.
  • Most patients step down to outpatient programming and attend support groups.
  • Ongoing recovery management is key to maintaining sobriety after inpatient rehab.