Day Treatment at The Recovery Team-Newton

Day treatment for addiction is a comprehensive treatment plan personalized to help individuals meet their needs for quality care. Day treatment offers different levels of care to patients who suffer from mental health disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, and co-occurring disorders.

Key Takeaways

Our Day Treatment program offers individualized treatment options to ensure that each person’s needs are met.

  • At The Recovery Team-Newton we offer individual cognitive behavioral therapy  with a certified and licensed therapist and family counseling to discuss Family Roles in Addiction.
  • Patients attend group therapy sessions with a certified group facilitator and their peers for group inclusion and support.
  • At our treatment facility, we offer holistic therapy for our patient’s to obtain mental, emotional, and physical well being.
  • Our treatment program offers Medication-Assisted Treatment for mental health disorders that is carefully managed by a medical professional.
  • Each patient receives a personalized Addiction Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and mental health disorders designed by our mental health professionals.

Our day addiction program offers different levels of treatment options depending on the severity of care required for each client.

Treatment Services Provided

Each person is assessed by one of our addiction specialists and mental health professionals to determine the best Addiction Treatment Modalities for the patient’s condition. During the assessment, our team will review the individual’s addiction history, medical and mental health status, and family members and the dynamic to identify Family Roles in Addiction. When the patient concludes their assessment, our team constructs a personalized treatment plan that offers appropriate services of care targeting both mental health disorders as well as drug and alcohol addiction.

Here are Types of Addiction Treatment Programs that are incorporated into individualized treatment plans for each client.

  • Mental Health Disorder Therapy: We offer one-on-one mental health therapy with therapists who are certified and licensed in dealing with mental health disorders such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, and personality disorders. Our therapists focus on personalized cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapists also meet with the patient and their family to offer counseling for Family Roles in Addiction.
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: This disorder, commonly known as co-occurring disorders, consists of a combination of both mental health disorders and substance use disorders. At our treatment facility, patients are provided individualized cognitive behavioral therapy with a certified and licensed therapist who specializes in treating both mental health as well as drug and alcohol addiction simultaneously.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment: In our day treatment program, we offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT) that combines medication with cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling. This service of treatment is provided by our mental health professionals, who cater to the specific needs of each patient.
  • Group Therapy: In our treatment facility, we offer group therapy. This allows patients to connect with their peers during the recovery process. Group therapy provides a supportive environment for people to share their struggles, gain support, and learn from others.
  • Holistic Therapy: At our treatment center, we offer holistic therapy, which are daily activities that address physical, emotional, and mental health. These activities include yoga, acupuncture, massage, nutritional counseling, art therapy, equine therapy, meditation, and mind-body practices.

Benefits Of Day Addiction Treatment Program

Our day treatment program benefits people who need either an intensive or less intensive treatment program that are struggling with mental health disorders or drug and alcohol addiction. Each level of care provides patients with support from their peers and compassionate care from our team to help patients embark on their drug and alcohol recovery.